Individuals make a family, families make a community and communities make a society. Every person has a duty towards fellow members in the community and to the society at large. When anything goes wrong, we automatically accuse the government and put blame on it without realising that we may somehow also be a part of the problem. In a similar vein, making and maintaining a society is not only the government of the territory’s sole obligation, but also the people of the land as a whole. Since individuals make up a nation, the aptitude, effort, civic responsibility and tenacity displayed by all of them directly correlates to the soundness of a country. The government, without a doubt, is the supreme institution, and as such, it controls how the state as a whole operates, however the responsibility of its citizens cannot be ignored. If and only if we want our country to advance rapidly, it is up to each of us to work hard in our lives and display a strong sense of responsibility. On the other hand, unsuccessful nations are not just the outcome of terrible governments; they are also pushed back by the incapacity and irresponsibility of their citizens. The nation’s flag was successfully maintained by great leaders who were citizens of this country, as evidenced by history. They continue to be remembered with the deepest love and respect to this day because of their sharp intellect, dexterity, struggle, patriotism, and above all, consciousness. The situation today would have been quite different if we only took cue from the life of the great leaders gone by. It never is late by the way and every person must assume the responsibility and accountability of the country by following in the footsteps of these national heroes. If done so collectively, it will certainly result in a favourable shift now and for the times to come.